Friday, June 27, 2008

They can have my gun when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers

Yesterday the SCOTUS handed down a spectacular decision on the second amendment. This is only the second time they supreme court has head a 2nd Amedment case. They have now officially called the second amendment an INDIVIDUAL right.

I'm very happy with this decision. I was worried, epescially after they totally hosed the property rights decision recently (eminent domain).

I found it interesting listening to the various pro/con gun control groups talk about this ruling. The more extreme 'con' groups were all declaring that we were going to turn into the Wild West. Guess what dumbshits. The Wild West wasn't that wild. Learn your history. Most of time people were too busy trying to stay fed. The 'Wild West' wasn't nearly as carzy as Hollywood would have you believe. The extreme 'pro' group were of course stating they could now challenge every gun control law on the books. Yeah, right. Nice try. That is NOT what SCOTUS said. You still can't yell 'FIRE' in a crowded room and claim 1st Amendment.

My feelings are this: Guns should be regulated but not banned. PERIOD. We should keep violent criminals from having guns, I have no problem with assault weapons being outlawed. Sorry guys, there is NO reason to hunt with or use for self defence an Fully auto-AK-47. I also think a waiting period and background check is ok.

That is the kind of gun control I have no problem with.

Anyway, the SCOTUS made the USA a much safer country yesterday. Thanks you justices.

No law abiding citizen sho

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What's new in the bathroom

Jen and I have been working on a bathroom remodel for most of the year. We decided to completely gut the downstairs bathroom and start from scratch. To call the existing bathroom 'nasty' is an affront to all truly nasty things.
We didn't change the layout of the room. We merly replaced everything and added a few touches.
A couple of the big changes included a new glass block window (I did that!) to replace the crappy casement window, the additional of an exhaust fan (there wasn't one before!) and an in-floor heating system. We also tiled the floor and shower walls.
The picture above is the current state of things. The bug bundle of wires is the floor warming system.
We did MAJORLY screw up one thing. We waited way to long to clean the xcess grout of the wall tile and now we are having to carefully scrub it off with vinegar and water and try not to destroy 1,500 bucks worth of imported italian clay tiles. :(
Jen is working on the tile cleanup and I'm putting the finishing joint compound on the regular wall seams, screw holes, etc. Once we get these thigns done we can paint, seal the good grout and then we can isntall the new toilet and vanity!
We replaced the regular door with a pocket door and have't decided on what kind of door slab we want to use. It's a tought choice because we want to replace all 14 of the crappy luan doors throughout the house with the same thing. We'll use the old door temorarily. Anyway, after the bathroom is painted I can isntall the trim and jambs for the door.
Thats about bathroom soon! YAY!

Monday, June 23, 2008

"shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits"

I am sorry for the rather adult theme of my title but I think it's the most fitting tribute to the man who created that quote of the seven dirty words. Mr. George Carlin. RIP sir. You were a funny S.O.B.

George Carlin was one of the filthiest comedians I ever saw. However, one thing that set him apart from other 'shock' comedians was that his used of curse words and derogatory slang were part of the comedy and not just thrown in to try and make jokes more funny. I've seen one too many comedians where if I took out the curse words their act wouldn't change.

I learned something cool about George today as I read his obit. He was the first host of Saturday Night Live. Dayum. That by itself if a great thing. That was back when SNL was funny.

I did get to see George Carlin live once. It was about four or five years ago at the Fox Theater in Atlanta, GA. Unfortunately I came away a little saddened. Somewhere down the line George's cynicism turned into deep bitterness and his normally witty and insightful banter became what I can only describe as angry. His show had it's moments. He was practicing a new opening monologue for an upcoming HBO special which sent Jen and I in a fit of hysterics and throughout the show there were moments where his old self shone through. I try to remember those bits and forget the other crap.

Regardless of his own personal demons, he was generally a funny guy who had a profound impact on American culture. I'm glad I got to see him live. You finally swallowed you limit of saliva.