Friday, March 14, 2008

First post

A new day, a new blog. I'm sitting in my office and thinking that I would rather be drinking beer and hanging out with my wife and instead I decide to start another blog. Not that a blog is better than my wife. It's just that her awesomeness is at her work.

As I created this blog the first thing you are asked after setting up your account is the name your blog. WTF! I was born with a common genetic disorder called 'Inability to Articulate My Imagination'. It's not that I ddon'thave an imagination (You should read my Penthouse forum letters); it's just I sometimes can't put it into words.

A good example of this is from my days playing Dungeons & Dragons. I could never come up with names for my characters that I didn't feel were beyond dorky or a blatant rip-off of some work of fiction. (I cant count how many phonetic iterations of Lord of the Rings characters I saw in World of Warcraft)

Speaking of World of Warcraft, a REALLY good example of where my 'dorky name filter' failed was in my primary WoW characters name...Blizzard has some serious name rules and I was trying to be funny and get around them. I wanted to come up with a name that would be phonetically similar to Butt-For...As in the stupid joke "Do you have a butt-for?', "What's a butt-for?", "It's for poopin' silly"...anyway...I digress. The name I came up with was Buttefer.. Pause and think on that one for a minute...If you didn't hit on it here's how most of my guild mates sounded it out.. BUTT -EFF - ER.. Yah, great..thanks imagination. You suck.

Later I came up with an undead rogue named Wroughten which I though was a rather inspired name but I quit WoW long before he got very high level.

Moving on. My sister, Sandy, is the opposite. She more clever and witty than I am. So, I shot her a quick IM about my blog naming conundrum. She rrecommendedI browse the IMDB quotable quotes of some movies for a title. So I did. On of the best movies of times next to Showgirls is Big Trouble in Little China. Jack Burton is the man. Anyway, this is the full quote where I gleaned my blog title from:

When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, looks you crooked in the eye and asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" "Yessir, the check is in the mail."

Mr Carpenter, you rule too. Even though Escape from LA blew donkeys just about everything else was worth watching many times.

So, that's the gist of my naming experience.

I'm going to basically post miscellaneous ramblings about tthingsgoing on in and around my life. Maybe once or twice I'll say something profound but mostly it'll be crap.

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