Monday, March 17, 2008

Music in every room

I'm not a big music fan. I'm not saying I don't like music. I'm just not a fan of it with one or two exceptions. I either like a song or I don't.

I've only been to a handful of concerts in my life and I really don't get the point. My first concert was to go see E.L.O. at the old OMNI in Atlanta. Meh, I was too young to really get into it but my sisters seemed to enjoy themselves. My mom was also there. I have no idea what she thought. The only thing I even remember about the event was my mom getting ready to smack some drunk(or stones) dumbass who decided to sit in one of our seats while my sisters were getting drinks are going to the bathroom.

in the 90's I went to see Pink Floyd at Georgia Tech with some friends. That was fun only because I got a serious contact buzz from the guy smoking pot next to us. I've been to one or two other concerts but none really did anything more for me. Hell, I think I had more fun watching the laser light show at Stone Mountain Park.

Most people would peg me as some kind of mutant but truth is I REALLY do like music. I like listening to it. I like the emotions good songs can bring out in me weather it be happiness or sadness or whatever. I just prefer to use music to enhance what I'm experiencing not BE what I'm experiencing. I think I'd rather hit my toes with a maul than go to another concert.

Over Christmas Jen and I went to Bainbridge Island in Puget Sound to spend the holiday with her brother and family. Her sister, Robin, and her family came too. A great time was had by all. Boomer, Jen's bro., is a big a techno-geek and likes his gadgets. One of the gadgets he has is a Sonos sound system. This is a nifty little device that wirelessly streams music to your various Sonos devices. VERY COOL.

Well, Jen and I finally bought the SONOS starter system over the weekend. We subscribe to the Rhapsody music service and have a Sirius radio. All of these things can be accessed by the SONOS. It can also catalog the music I have on my PC and play that. For me this is the ultimate in music system because I don't have to buy albums or anything. I can listen to a large selection of 'channels' on Rhapsody (I wish I could delete the Briney Spears channel) or, if I think of a song I like I can search for and play that. Sirius is just a rebroadcast of their satellite channels but it's nice because we can turn on the news and listen to it as we move around the house in the morning while getting ready for work.

We have two 'Zone Players' right now. One is in my office so I can listen to tunes while working. It helps me alot to have the background noise while working. Sometimes working remote in my home office sucks because it's too quiet. We have the other player hooked up to our living room stereo system for our 'upstairs' listening pleasure. You can get either an amplified zone player which you plug in and attach speakers to or a non-amplified version which must be connected to a stereo to play.

The SONOS system we bought also comes with a wireless remote device. It's nice because I can carry it around and perform any function I need, (Search, etc.) I can also control it from my networked PCs. This device is able to control any zone player in the house.

There you have it. SONOS is cool. If you like playing music, don't want to buy a CD just for one song and want this kind of 'whole house' music capability with out having to run wire everywhere then this is something you should look at.

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