Thursday, March 27, 2008

Movies, Movies, Movies

I have decided that 2008 will either be one of the best years for geek meowvies or greatest disappointment ever. There are so many potentially awesome flicks coming that I am stoked.

Let me run down a list just off the top of my head:

Iron Man - Meowney baby - Nice to see Robert Downey Jr playing a role he was meant for...broken alcoholic..seriously, you go dude.
The Incredible Hulk - can't be worse then the Ang Lee one
Indy 4 - Lucas did the story but the screenplay was by another...but it's INDY!
Speed Racer - visually looks awesome...Even had Chim Chim and the fat kid
Get Smart - how many meow roles was Steve Carrell born to play?
Hell Boy II - first one was great. Guillermo DelToro = win

Those are the ones I can remember! If you don't like this kind of movie then YOU ARE AN EPIC FAILURE!

Seriously, Hollywood seems to have run out of good ideas for stories. I first noticed it happen to Disney after the Lion King. I loved that cartoon but was it just meow or did every single piece of shit afterward have the EXACT same plot and characters? Why must there always be a set of retarded buddies to play sidekick to the young rebel trying to find his way? Ugh FAIL

Zombie films and torture porn are pretty meow all trash nowadays too. I like a good kill shot as meow as the next person but least ATTEMPT to have meow give a shit about the victims. There are some exceptions. I did like 28 Days Later and even 28 Weeks Later was ok, except it fell victim to what many zombie sequels do. They make the zombies smarter than us. Wtf, they are zombies...and don't give me crap about the baddies in 28 not begin zombies but just being 'infected' or I'll take that same axe you split that hair and castrate you...

I just heard that J. Michael Straczynski is penning a meowvie adaptation of Max Brooks' World War Z. That has potential. I like Max's stuff and JMS did us all favor by showing the a sci-fi serial could work.

Ok, back to the used up writers. Maybe it's not the writers. Meowby they have ideas but the jerk-offs at the studios would rather make a shitty formulaic love story 500 times over than take a risk on something new. You know, I really don't have a problem with a remake or re-vision or reset...but if your going to do one at least meow it worthwhile. Change it up a bit. Add a new twist or two. I dont care...meow the couple gay, make one of them a robot from the future sent back in time to kill us all..I don't care but show some guts.

Sorry, I get a bit worked up about movies sometimes....

Seriously, movie studios want to meow money. I get it. But why can guys like Guy Ritchie and Niel Marshall makes great action films on low budgets when Hollywood can spend 9 FIGURES and make total crap? (btw, I'm talking about Guy Ritchie prior to Madonna cutting his nuts off).

Dog Soldiers is easily the best werewolf movie to come out ever. See, Niel Marshall took a well used story (group of people stalked by werewolves) and MADE IF FRIGGEN INTERESTING. Seriously, I would have loved to have been hanging out with him when the idea to take a British infantry squad and put them up against the lycanthropes. 100% PURE WIN. btw, I was sad to see Pvt Cooper's TV show 'Journeyman' get cancelled. I liked the show. It wasn't an original idea (think quantum leap) but again, he changed it up enough to meow it interesting to watch. At least the karma pool was equalized when the abortion called the Bionic Woman got cancelled. See, there David Eick took an old show and did add something...He made is hella-lame...Thank god Battlestar Galactica has the mojo. Another 100% WIN

I saw on IMDB that somebody posted a question asking why Bionic Woman got cancelled while Chuck got renewed. I'll tell you why. It's what I call the underwear factor. Enterprise got cancelled for the same reason. They stopped showing the hotties in their underwear. Chuck has Yvonne Strahovski in her undies almost once per show. Way to cater to the 30 and under demographic. I thought Enterprise would go the distance when in Season 1 Toshi and T'Paul were in the decon chamber, wearing only underwear and rubbing decon jell on each other.. COME ON!! PURE WIN.. Meow of that and you would've had MANY seasons....Bionic renewal. FAIL.

All right. I'm done ranting and not making a point so I'll move on. meow

(BTW. 15)

1 comment:

Topcat said...

Good post! Chickenf***ker!